Life as I know it

Well this may come off as me complaining but its just a blast of how I see things a little differently now. First off eating, its not what it used to be all things considered I don’t really enjoy it as much as I once did. Its a necessary chore followed by a regimen of cleaning my mouth (which you should all do). No more eating in the car, or snacking whenever I want for no reason. What prompted this you may ask is that I was in walmart today and I looked around saw 3 or 4 people just walking and eating food like it was nothing. Now I don’t usually take my meals while shopping but you get my point. I cant do that anymore kinda sucks.

Talking Ive been going thru what seems a regression in my speech Im not sure why but Ive remembered to go back to massaging my face keep all that tissue loose which seems to help a little but communication with people that dont know me is avoided if possible. Please, thank you, have a nice day are about the long and the short of it. I still have to and probably will always have to choose my words carefully so as to make my point as quickly as possible to avoid prolonged conversations. (mostly cause I start to salivate and then spray) <– TMI? Sorry.

As for the rest of me its ok.

Let me update with medical stuff since I havent don't that in a LOOOOOONg time.

As some or most of you may know the cancer spread after they shot my free flap, it moved to my lung and chest. Then near the end of that treatment I had been dealing with a pain in my hip it turns out that the cancer moved from there to my hip. I finished the treatment for my chest and then moved on to treating the hip. The treatment for my chest was 37 or so radiations and 3 chemos. My hip treatment is 10 double shot radiations and 3 more chemos, currently I have 2 more radiations and 2 more chemos, the next is in 2 weeks and then 3 weeks after that. ]

The reason for the double shot radiations is that its right on the bone, thats right ON not in, about a 3cm lesion. It wasn't giving me any pain but now its more like an awareness a tire that you don't need to change but youre not gonna take any sharp turns on that side of your car. My rad Dr said that max pain relief should take place about a month after treatment and then the bone will start to heal itself. As far as exercise on it Im limited to walking (which is fine).

My next PET-CT is not scheduled yet but should be done sometime early December.

So I guess you know whats in my letter to Santa.

As for my appearance well if you knew me in high school thats about what I weigh now Im bouncing around 230 depending on the chemo week but 225 is the lowest Ive dropped. And Im bald, my hair on my head was looking very "zombie" and sickly looking so I took the plunge and with Jenns help shaved my head bald. Everyone except Scott seems to like it aside from my large ears I do have a nicely enough shaped head to pull it off. The upside is I get to wear my Bucs stocking cap to keep my head warm.

OK Im out.


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