Posts Tagged ‘Cancer’


August 22, 2011

Well I had my second chemo on Friday, its Monday and I did have the smarts to get a 4 day weekend so in the words of Mr Burns “If you don’t come in on Friday don’t bother coming in on Monday” Thats a Simpsons Joke so one of the 2 of you may not get it

Im tired, not really that tired where you sleep for 9 days in but that fatigue tired that makes you not wanna do shit.

Its a little weird Ive gotten a few likes to one of my previous posts the “I know RIGHT” post. Im not sure who they are but thanks if you tune into this episode of Mike’s kickin Cancers ass its not to exciting or colorful as the aforementioned post but I think I should be able to crank these out with a bit more regularity I just received my bluetooth keyboard for my ipad which really gives me litle or no excuse to not post since I can now type at full speed. (one of my few skills).

I know most of you are thinking why would you need a keyboard with an ipad well A it was on sale half price and B the virtual keyboard is ok but for anything more than a few sentences its cumbersome to say the least. So far I give it 5 Stars of 5, and yes I realize that carrying my ipad wrapped in the otter box case and this keyboard is roughly the weight of my laptop its silly but hey the price you pay to be cool and trendy.

As for my health I have most of my hair but its definitely gotten thinner my Bucs ball cap helps to cover most of the ugly, its pretty scraggly and sickly without the hat, I had plans to buzz it this weekend but clearer heads prevailed, when I start seeing more hair in my hat Ill bust out the clippers.

I soldier on.

Stay the Course.

Talk to you all soon.
