Week 1 over

Hello All

I apologize for the lack of posting, but you would think a guy that sits home all day except for treatments would have oodles of time on his hands; my days are surprisingly full.

First off as the title says week one is over, Ive been through 5 radiations 25 to go and 1 chemo 5 to go.  I got a port put in my right arm its about 2 inches above my right elbow on the inside of my arm.  Its basically a pipe within a pipe allowing them to put the chemo medicine right near my heart thus saving my veins and allowing the medicine to get distributed.  Think of it like the from the movie the Matrix those nubby things that were on their skin but this is just below the skin, its like I have a button under my skin.  Its a little irritating but not nearly as much as the feeding tube.  The Radiation treatments are much the same as before, I’d refer you to my previous posts “take a look thru my eyes part 1 and 2”.

My mom is back home for a few weeks to get a break from Vegas, see her doggies, dad (I think he’s tired of his own cooking).   She’ll be back for the later part of my treatments, regarding that the Dr’s said that I tolerated the first bit of chemo so well that I should do great this time since this medicine is even better tolerated.

I dont have much else to talk about, Im trying to stay busy and active.



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